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This exhibition of photography and literature is linked to the Vura Music Project, a musical project that springs from the need to share and communicate through sound, metal and common ideals, crossing borders and cultures. But it is more than the project: it wants to show its context, the visual, sound and human landscapes in which it occurs. That landscape is none other than that of West Nile, in northern Uganda.

It is an exhibition that tells stories of primary stones and wild landscapes; of war refugees, who, although they have fled from a war that continues today, smile, share and move on, generating a community that lives together and overcomes its past despite pain and memory; of a Ugandan community that opens its doors to those who were its hosts.

It consists of a total of 50 photos, whose authorship belongs to María Jesús Pueller Madrid and Aritz Azparren Vicente. Each photo is accompanied by a text, freestyle and by various authors, these being indicated at the bottom of each text. All the texts have been created by people who, in one way or another, have been linked to the Vura Music Project. In addition, some of the photos are left without prefixed text, intended for the sample attendees themselves to complete the missing texts from their perspective.

If you are interested in scheduling the exhibition, please contact us:


Solidarios con Arua/Arua Elkartasuna supported the audiovisual production company from Navarre Tripulante Produce in the short documentary project “Raíces Perdidas” which was shot entirely in Uganda. The documentary, the work of the Basque director Eymard Uberetagoena, aims to capture the social and cultural context in which the actions carried out by the NGO in Ugandan territory take place. The documentary was financed by the Government of Navarra, the NGO and the production company. The premiere will take place during 2021 and in 2022 the work to raise awareness will begin in different educational centers, houses of culture, cycles, etc.

Synopsis: The Ma’di people are paradigmatic for many other African peoples. Colonialism not only attacked its political and social structure, but also divided it into three different states. In addition, mainly due to the war, their traditional conjuncture has transformed rapidly and uncontrollably, in such a way that their culture is in great danger. The protagonists of this documentary highlight the need to regenerate culture, but also question some aspects of their tradition.

If you are interested in showing the documentary, please contact us: or


On May 20, 2021, EITB premiered on television (ETB2) and on its website ( the program dedicated to “Uganda” within the popular space «Vascos por el mundo» (Basques around the world).
A program shot entirely in Uganda where Aritz Azparren, head of our local counterpart Cooperative Growth – Uganda, introduces us to some of our projects and the environment in which they are developed. A unique opportunity to learn in a fresh and entertaining way the reality in which we carry out our activity in Uganda.

If you are interested in seeing directly the section in which our colleague Aritz speaks, go to minute 33:20 😉

Do not miss it!

Video with “paz de ziganda” Primary School students

Maite Urdaniz and Ismael Yagüe, promoters of the Manuela Project of our NGO, tell us in this video (in Basque and Spanish) what the project is. A video made by 3rd grade students of the Ikastola Paz de Ziganda, whom we thank for their interest and collaboration. You can see how they organized a solidarity market in favor of the project.

Mila esker denoi!!