Geographical area of the activities by Solidarios con Arua – Arua Elartsauna
All our NGO projects have been and are being developed in the West Nile region of Uganda. Specifically, there are three Districts in which projects have been carried out:
It is one of Uganda’s historic Districts, with an estimated population of 776,700. The main ethnic group is the Lugbara, which belongs to the Moru-Ma’di group. This ethnic group is also present on the other side of the very close border of the Democratic Republic of the Congo. The first collaborative projects took place in this district, mainly infrastructure improvements, such as the replacement of the Ediofe water pump, the equipment of a dormitory at Ediofe Girls Secondary School and the electrical installation of the Catholic Center of Arua.
It is another of the historic Districts of Uganda, which was founded with no more than 16 and already has more than 140, due to a fragmentation strategy under the argument of improving the accessibility to public services. This region, inhabited mainly by the Ma’di ethnic group and belonging to the same family as the Lugbara, is located in the far north of the country. It borders South Sudan, where there are also large numbers of Ma’di people. Its population is estimated at 180,500 inhabitants, although this count adds the inhabitants of the Obongi District, which was created in 2019 as a split from Moyo. This is the area of the country where collaboration has been greatest. In addition to the many infrastructure grants (construction of the Multipurpose Center, improvement of the Moyo Mission Health Center, improvement of the Moyo Babies Home Orphanage, etc.), the three main projects that our NGO is currently developing take place in Moyo: Vura Music Project, Manuela Project and Ruddu Hwe.
Originally it was part of Moyo and the main ethnic group is the same as there, the Ma’di. The boundary between Moyo and Adjumani is marked by the presence of river Nile and also borders South Sudan. It is estimated that the total population is 234,300 inhabitants. In the case of Adjumani, Solidarios con Arua – Arua Elkartasuna has collaborated with the construction of the Multipurpose Center, a space with similar characteristics to that of Moyo.